Uber is famous all over the world for it’s car rental. But the company is slowly transforming the society to make life simpler and adopt a car-free or car-light lifestyle for the masses with Uber micromobility. Let’s take a look.

Uber is emphasizing on being green (img: Uber)

Uber on Zero Emission:

Uber has already disclosed it’s stance on the transformation of all it’s vehicles to EVs in the US, Canada and in the European countries by the year 2030 and globally by the year 2040. The company held itself accountable for the improvement of the climate crisis we are going in. According to Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi, ” The road to zero emissions requires transprency and being accountable for progress year after year. Uber is proud to be the first mobility platform to measure and report on emissions from customers’ real world use of our products”

But this globally acclaimed car rental platform goes a step farther when it declares that the company would encourage commuters to go car free options that would include electric bikes, scooters and electric mopeds so that there would be less and lesser impact on the environment as people move daily from one place to another. Uber micromobility may become one of the greatest move to encourage the adoption of new consumer behaviour that takes environment issues seriously.

Uber and Lime partnership:

Uber had partnered with Lime in 2019 (img: techspot )

Uber had gone into a partnership with Lime electric scooter rentals in 2019. Lime bikes are available in more than 150 cities globally and the numbers are rising. But Uber has plans to go far beyond that.

Uber’s Expansion Plans:

According to Uber’s new global head of sustainability Mr. Thibaud Simphal Uber is providing car free in-app services in 170 global metropolitan markets. Apart from that Uber is offering public transportation products in more than 40 major markets that includes public transit journey planning. Uber wants to enable healthy urban living and wants to decrease mass dependency on car ownership.

Simphal says ” Consumers are changing their purchasing decisions, and the influence is enough to force companies to change to avoid getting outflanked by competitors or disliked by the public…..the pandemic was a turning point, and companies now have the opportunity to work together with cities to build back stronger and greener, in preparation for the impending crisis of climate change.” (READ MORE HERE)

Today’s consumers are conscious of environment issues (img: Eindhoven news)

No Time to Waste:

Talking with Amazon’s global leader on the climate pledge, Sally Fouts, Simphal shares that there is really no time to waste but we have to set aggressive goals for sustainability. Each and everyone must be accountable for the carbon impact with which we are affecting this Earth.


Q: What is Uber micromobility?

Uber micromobility is Uber’s in-app car free options of riding. Just like Uber car booking, one can book Uber electric two wheelers from app.

Q: Which type of two wheelers are available with this app?

Basically electric scooters, bikes and mopeds are available.

Q: How will it treat environment issues?

If two person ride electric bikes, the emission in comparison to a car would be zero. Most people usually travel single or two at most of the times. Instead of hiring a car, if they hire electric two wheelers, there will be a massive change.

Q: Will the car free option cheaper and reliable?

Of course, it will be a lot cheaper. It will be reliable also as powered by Uber app.

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