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Anand Mahindra and Gursaurabh Singh

image courtesy:livemint.com

Recently Mr. Anand Mahindra in his tweets has expressed his praise on the emphathetic innovation to by Gursaurabh Singh and his company Dhruv Vidyut. Mr. Singh has developed a device that can change any manually driven bicycle into an electric bicycle in minutes. He tweeted “Not the first device in the world to motorize a cycle. But this is a) An outstanding design- compact and efficient b) Rugged- love the working in mud,making it an off roader! c) safe d)Savvy-phone charging port!”. He has also expresses his keen desire to be an investor in the innovation. Let’s see how much Gursaurabh bhai deserves the praise!


The (DVECK) Dhrubh Vidyut Electric Conversion Kit has the potential of being the most loved kit by commoners in Indian villages and towns. It is a simple device to be fitted in a basic handlebar bicycle,the bicycles that are used mostly by laymen. It can change the bicycle into an electric two wheeler with very minor change. No cutting,welding or any other complex modification is required for the conversion and hence can be a money saver as well as easy accessible kit for the common Indians and even outside India to the bicycle users.

Fire and Waterproof Kit:

The kit has a simple design with the quality of being fireproof and Waterproof. It is built with aluminium alloy and Lithium rechargeable battery and hence is also lightweight,rustproof and affordable. Even It has a charging port for mobile charging and to charge such other devices. What is outstanding that with 20 minutes of pedalling,the battery can be charged upto 50%. With such a pocket-friendly device one can commute long roads easily without harming the environment.Though it is not clear how much can it cost but it must be pocket-friendly for the lower middle class people who travel on bicycles daily. It has a range of 40 kms with a full charge with a payload of 170 kgs .

The Key Benefits of DVECK:

  1. DVECK will be available in a very affordable price
  2. It can be fitted into any bicycle or tricycle
  3. There will be no need of complex fitting arrangements and welding
  4. The range will be 40 km, just enough for daily chores
  5. Even after discharging one can manually paddle and charge it
  6. It will be a great friend of vehicles for rural Indian roads even if there is mud and water
  7. Two adults and a child can be easily carried by it

The Future :

As the Mahindra Managing director praises Gursaurabh Bhai’s “empathy and passion for those hard working people for whom the humble cycle is still the primary mode of transport”. He also reminds the established “automakers focussing on disruptive EVs that this EV revolution may be the most important one”. Anandji’s eager wish to be a part of the revolution is surely a welcome news for Gursaurabh bhai who also expresses his eagerness to meet with him who has always inspired and supported new inventors. From small businessmen to hawkers and for students and travellers, this conversion kit will surely be a boon. The future of billions of bicycles and tricycles and their riders on the ordinary roads of India is dreaming of an electric change sooner than ever.

The DVECK kit is still in it’s research and development stage and it will take some time to make it commercially available for the common people of the country. We pledge our sincerest support and love to Gursaurabh Bhai to produce this kit a reality to every rural and urban commoners as soon as possible.

(courtesy:Dhruv Bidyut Facebook page)

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