Is the Mother’s day and the Earth’s day different. What do You think? What does the mother’s day tell us.

The Mother We are Living in:

Our Earth is the mother of everyone living in it. The plants and the animals,the living and the non living, the usual and the weird, the mother’s and their mothers. Earth bears our weight, puts up with our wastes and experiences our evil footprint on her everyday without any malice, any anger.

First Lesson:

It is that our first schooling in our homes and kindergartens should have told us that We are not here to scatter our excreta all around and it’s a shame and it’s a sin. The ground on that We stand is our God and We are standing on zer and We must feel it every moment We stand on. But No, We were not taught like this.

We have been taught how to get Ourselves prepared for storing money, by getting a job, joining a business. We were taught to buy and wear new dresses in every festival and occassion. We were taught to get rid off the grasses around our home and to set up concrete bricks as rainy day comes every year.

Worst Lesson:

Now We are taught to plant indoor plants that have been transported from the other part of the world. To drink our own water by filtering it through state of the art so called German or Korean or Swiss ( read foreign, as Germans use Swiss technology and Swiss use German) technology. To drink fruit juice that are as nutritious as the original because We want mango juice now in winter and orange juice in Summer.

Now and then, We have been falling prey to the sons that don’t like their mother, as they have found solace and addiction with their bad friends called money and the idea of power which is a very frail idea.

Earth’s Day or Mother’s Day:

It’s TIME for Every Son and Daughter of the mother Earth to reckon and to STEP forward to save the Mother. We can start with any way We could. By using a little less water, by starting with eating a vegan meal today, by planting local vegetables in the waste bucket that we should’ve thrown out otherwise, or by teaching our children the true way to celebrate the Mother’s Day or as it seems the Mother of all Mothers’ Day .

Shall We start from this Mother’s Day?

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( No copyright violation is intended for the images used. Images are for representation only. We acknowledge sincere gratitude to all the image owners)

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