Truth sustainability

According to Swami Vivekananda, there are three characteristics of Truth. If somebody is in search of Truth ,one must weigh Truth with the three basic conditions, Truth is strong, Truth is selfless and Truth unites. Those who love sustainability, love Truth and care about it.

Sustainability is Truth
Sustainability is being true to oneself (image courtesy: renewal Christian centre)

The Sustainability Series:

Loving Readers, Love and Respect to all of You from the deepest core of my soul. I welcome You to read my Sustainability series Poem , if You’ve not read already where the First letters of each poem combines a surprise term. My tiny poetic journey to dedicate sustainable way of life has reached on it’s 10th step today. I have maintained my life and my poems in a same balance, living a life in this ultramodern world and trying to be sustainable in acts and words. If You’ve not read the earlier poems of the series, let me introduce them. The first one was Patience, then Love, then AnimalsNest  and Egg . The sixth poem was Time ,the Seventh Eternity and the eighth poem is And . We have the 9th poem of the series named River. Today is the 10th, and it is all named and about Truth.

Jesus choose the Truth
Truth makes one feel united with the universe ( img: Unsplash)

Sustainability Poem: Truth

Truth is bitter, says people

Truth haunts, a proverb says,

Truth takes You in awe, once my father told me,

But what I felt about Truth is it’s strength,

It never lets You down , to be weak ever,

It never puts You into questions You can’t answer.

Truth winks at it’s selflessness,

at its generality,

It’s so simple that You can teach it to everyone

And practice without making it a habit,

Truth pains, it cuts, it shocks,

But it never lets You down

It’ll never let You down.

Truth knows that there lies a horizon

that lures You and will lure forever,

So Truth gives You a sky to dream,

And an Earth to stand firm.

Truth makes You strong to stay in Truth

To be True within Yourself,

To be the child of this True Earth.

Gotama Buddha and Truth
Gotama Buddha chose to seek Truth and found it.

READ MORE : Sustainability goal for a commoner

( All the images used are never intended for copyright violation. We acknowledge sincere gratitude to all of the image owners)


The sixth poem of sustainability series celebrates time and is named the same. It is the time that has built us and our mother earth. All the animals and the plants in the universe, all that are living and dying. Time controls all that the humans think they are controlling.

The Sustainability Series:

Dear Readers, Love and Respect to You all. Welcome to read the Sustainability series Poem , if You’ve not read already where the First letters of each poem combines a surprise term. All these of my poems are dedicated to sustainable living to protect our future by protecting the balance of the earth where each and every animals and plants deserve the same respect and value. The first one was Patience, then Love, then AnimalsNest  and Egg . The sixth Poem is the poem of today, Time. Hope You’ll enjoy reading it.

Time in Salvador Dali’s painting The persistence of memory. ( img: Pixels)

Poem 6: Time

Time is a child

Queer and cruel

Never think of others

But remembers Your deed .

And when it’s strong

Take You in the ring .

No, not to fight

But only to show You

How old and how weak You are .

Also laden with your old deeds

You feel helpless and think

If You’ve done the otherwise .

But never get that chance .

Time never understands

How badly You need the Air to breathe

or Water to drink .

As Time can survive even without those.


( All the images used in the blog are never intended for copyright violation. We acknowledge sincere gratitude to all the image owners. Featured image courtesy: Speckyboy)